Wednesday, February 15, 2006

‘Ear Candling’ Uses Beeswax to Remove Ear Wax

Ear Candling a Hot Topic as Natural Therapy
By Dawn Zera, Wilkes Barre Times Leader (USA), 2/14/2006

It's not often you come across people who say that sticking a candle in their ear makes them feel good. However, an ancient way of removing ear wax is fast gaining steam.

Ear candling, or coning as it is sometimes called, is believed to have originated thousands of years ago perhaps among the Egyptians as a therapeutic way to draw wax and toxins out of the ear. Today, it is used as a natural therapy to clean out the ears and provide relief for sinus passages. Ear candling at AJA Salon and Day Spa in Trucksville. The process involves a beeswax candle placed in the ear and set alight.

The results of the ear candling, wax and pollen that was drawn out, according to the practitioners. . .

At Star Tresses, West Pittston, 45-year-old Mary Rose lay down on her side while co-worker Stephanie Markert demonstrated the procedure. The comforting sound of a nature tape played background music as Markert carefully laid a flame-retardant cloth on Rose's head, then took a 10-inch beeswax cone candle, which was poked snugly through a tin pan, and inserted one end gently in Rose's ear. . .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Dear Ibrahim:
    THanks for 'tooting-my-horn", i.e. using my web-link to connect people to my Beeswax Ear Cone-Candles. Love reading ALL-L your Api-Info from time-to-time, you sure have your connections! Are you going to Passau this March?
    I am hoping to go...
    See you again sometime.
    Regards, Annie:)
