Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Propolis Gaining Favor with Doctors

Alternative Remedies: Propolis
By Jessica Kiddle, The Scotsman (UK), 6/26/2007

PROPOLIS is the rather unattractive-sounding name for the rather unattractive-looking resin usually found oozing from young tree buds or conifer bark. However, once you realise that this waxy substance - which is used by bees to seal their hives - is said to be one of nature's most powerful cure-alls, you might look upon it in a more favourable light.

Egyptian priest-doctors used propolis in the mummification process and, in the modern land of the living, advocates of complementary medicine recommend sucking on a piece of propolis to ease a sore throat, among its other applications.

It is said that thanks to potent antiviral and antibiotic properties, it can do much more than soothe those tonsils, however. Not only is it believed to kill strains of bacteria resistant to conventional antibiotics, but thanks to its high content of antioxidant flavonoids, it is also though to bolster the immune system, strengthening the body's own defences.

The medical establishment is generally wary of claims regarding a plant's curative powers. But after a recent German study reported that propolis may be effective in treating neurofibromatosis - a little-known and unpredictable genetic condition causing non-cancerous tumours to grow around the body - it is even gaining favour with doctors...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    This article appears to show yet another natural remedy that has been around for a long time and is more commonly used on other parts of the world slowly gaining some coverage in the west. Propolis is already popular in many asian countries. It is a popular purchase in tourist souvenir shops in countries such as New Zealand and Australia, as Asian tourists make the most of the opportunity to stock up. Each time I visit Japan, I am begged to take as much as possible with me for friends, as its popularity there makes it more expensive.

    Some caution needs to be taken by new users of Propolis, as it can cause allergic reactions in some people who are allergic to bee products.

    In the UK, both in high street stores and online, there is a growing range of propolis products available, including formulas for colds, sore throats, tinctures and propolis tablets.
