Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bee Sting Banishes Shingles Pain

Q. My dad has suffered with pain from shingles for almost 2 years. Yesterday, during a nap on the deck, he got stung on the toe by a bee. Even though that was painful, he's feeling no shingles pain! Did you ever heard of such a thing? He's perplexed but elated, for however long the freedom lasts.
A. Several years ago we met a physician who told us that he had surprising success treating people with postherpetic neuralgia (long-lasting shingles pain) with bee stings (apitherapy). We know that shingles pain can be agonizing and there are few treatments that really work well.
We have heard similar stories from people suffering with arthritis. Years ago we received this letter:
"While snoozing on the porch I was stung on the finger by a tiny bee. The result: intense pain, and after that a great reduction of arthritis in my arm."
Another visitor to our website reported: "I was stung on my left leg five times by yellow jackets. I have osteoarthritis in my left knee, and the pain has been gone since I was stung. I'm hoping that it will last!
"If I had a choice, though I would definitely pick honeybee stings over yellow jackets as they're much less painful."
Some prominent doctors used bee venom therapy to treat arthritis between the two World Wars. Hospital pharmacies even stocked injectable bee venom…


  1. Rev George Quinones6:58 AM

    As soon as my doctor diagnosed shingles, I went and appllied Apitherapy on the site of the reddish skin, the pain was sharp but short,5 min later the red on the skin diminished,it was warm around it,10min later did not felt pain 30 min later almost all the shingles dissapered, pain on the back was gone, skin pink but soft and without bumps at 5:50pm the afected area was pink, without pain and no soreness. started at 9:36 am the same day (Jan 24,2012) diagnosed.So it works. "Bee sting banishes Shingle Pain"

  2. I don't know what I'm going to do before when I'm having that shingle.
