Wednesday, April 30, 2014

HIV Virus May Be Killed With Bee Venom Says Study

Liberty Voice, 4/28/2014
HIV may be referred to as a slowly replicating virus that is capable of invading the human body by way of exchanging bodily fluids with another infected carrier. This invasion is said to be the primary culprit that causes the acquired immunodeficiency disease (AIDS), which may be at the top of the list as being one of the deadliest diseases known to mankind. Once the HIV virus has gained complete control over the human immune system, the expected survival span of the infected individual is presumed to be approximately seven to ten years. However, researchers seem to have an idea about how to increase this life expectancy for those who have been infected with the HIV. Ironically, a preventive measure could very well be found in something that has been flying over the heads of humanity for years.
At the Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, scientists have discovered an amazing aspect about the one insect most people may dread to see anywhere within close range. The idea of using the toxic venom from bees in order to destroy the HIV virus without the possibility of causing potential harm to other normal cells may not be such a far-fetched idea, according to these scientists. Mellitin, the primary toxin found in the venom of bees, is believed to be capable of obliterating the HIV virus and could be considered a primal breakthrough in the discovery for developing an antidote. Scientists may have pondered over this conclusion based on findings that may show just how effective mellitin could be at preventing the HIV virus from running rampant throughout the human bloodstream and attacking the white blood cells used to fight infections…

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