Tuesday, December 20, 2005

First Evidence of Honey’s Anti-Viral Effect

Honey Can Help Heal Cold Sores
Daily Mail (UK), 12/20/05

HONEY may be an effective treatment for cold sores. Researchers at the University of Wales have shown that the length of an attack, the pain and the healing time were all less for sores treated with honey compared to the widely used acyclovir cream.

Honey is known to have an antibacterial effect but the researchers say this is the first evidence that it has an anti-viral effect too. . .

Sixteen adults with a history of recurrent attacks of herpes took part in the research, and results showed that honey was 28 to 43 per cent better than acyclovir cream at treating the cold sores.

A similar effect was found for genital herpes and in the treatment of one patient with MRSA in a leg ulcer. The researchers say: 'Honey is a traditional anti-bacterial therapy which appears to have enormous potential in solving new problems.'

1 comment:

  1. Can you give me some more information about this Honey’s Anti-Viral Effect.

    Cold Sores Care Taker
