Sunday, July 02, 2006

Arizona Apitherapists Recommend Bee Venom Therapy

The Bee Business is Sweet
By Erin Swinney, The Albuquerque Tribune (USA), 7/1/2006

BOSQUE FARMS - Ken Hays is 68. He works 10 to 12 hours a day. In an average week, he gets stung by a bee at least 75 times. On purpose…

Hays says he's healthy enough to do the work due to his practice of apitherapy, which relies on the use of bee products and stings to promote health and fight disease.

Hays regularly incorporates products like honey and bee pollen into his diet.

"One of the huge benefits of beekeeping is you eat good," he said.

Hays also has his bees intentionally sting him on his pressure points three times a week, which usually consists of around 75 stings total.

Kathleen Miller, a former nurse practitioner and apitherapy enthusiast, administers the stings. Miller got into apitherapy when there was no other cure for her severe knee problems.

"I had three knee surgeries and I was at my wits' end," Miller said. "I decided to try apitherapy and it worked like a charm. It turned my life around."

Bee venom has healthful properties and helps with arthritis and allergies, Hays said, adding that it charges the immune system…

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