Thursday, August 28, 2008

Video: Why is Manuka Honey Better Than Chemical Alternatives?

Natural Healing

Honey is a natural product, which is good for both patients and nurses.

Why is Manuka honey better than chemical alternatives? What do nurses like about using Manuka honey wound dressings?

Brett Hewlett (Comvita): I think the natural sourcing has a lot of merit, a lot of credibility. Using natural products in the woundcare space is very important for a lot of clinicians because you have much lower risk of toxicology and other side effects.

If you compared this to a pharmaceutically -derived drug or an ointment or something that was being developed and put into a wound dressing, it would take a lot of trials and a lot of clinical evidence to prove that it’s not toxic to end consumers.

Julie Betts (Health Waikato): The big advantages are that you can apply it easily to a wound, and you don’t have to guess how much honey to use so the whole dressing is impregnated with honey…

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