Monday, November 24, 2008

Apitherapy Used to Treat Lung Cancer

Apitherapy/Phytotherapy for Broncho-Pulmonary Tumor: A Clinical Case
Dr. Cristina Aosan, Romania

[Editor’s Note: This presentation is part of the Second National Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops with International Participation held November 21-24, 2008, in Iasi, Romania.]

P.F. - 73 years old (woman)
Diagnosis: Right Broncho–Pulmonary Tumor

Debut: 6 years ago - the diagnosis was right broncho-pulmonary cancer (They made a few cytostatics cures; after that: no other treatments, no medical controls.)

After 5 years: pains in the thorax, cough with mucous expectoration, dispnea, strong asthenia.

Investigation at another hospital: thorax radiography, bronchoscopy with biopsy, abdominal echography, blood analysis

With the diagnosis “Right broncho-pulmonary cancer,” she preferred to leave the hospital to seek natural treatment.

But the histopathology examination shows: “epidermoid metaplasia tumor.”

The first consultation (June 2004) - the mentioned symptoms, with repose dispnea, weight of 44 Kg (for 158 cm of height), diminished vesicular murmur in the right posterior middle aria

Starting the Api-Phyto-Therapy (June 2004). Bee products: propolis as tincture, royal jelly, pollen and honey. Medicinal plants: Salix alba, Arctium lappa, Plantago off., Thymus serpilum, Urtica dioica, Callendula off., Achillea millefolium, Viola tricolor, Aristolochia Clematitis, Chelidonium majus, Echinacaea angustifolia, Symphytum off., Crataegus monogina (teas and tinctures administrated in alternative combinations); Hippophae rhamnoides oil.

Good clinical evolution: progressive diminishing and then disappearing of the pains, dispnea and cough, increasing of the weight.

October 2004 - micro thorax radiography: no active images in the pulmonary aria

June 2005 – thorax radiography: no active images

1 comment:

  1. In the last years some interesting cases about apitherapy and other natural treatments have been seen. A Balance between drugs and this treatments may be a quite good solution having the best of both sides "science and nature". For more information about Lung Cancer, "13th WCLC" will be the best place, for research and news. Information in this site:
