Monday, April 20, 2009

Discovery of Manuka Tree Link to Active Ingredient Welcomed

News Release - 20 April 2009 - The only company to certify the active ingredient in its manuka honey products has welcomed the Waikato University discovery of a compound in New Zealand manuka tree nectar which converts to the honey’s antibacterial constituent.

Manuka Health New Zealand chief executive Kerry Paul said the discovery provided further scientific backing for his company’s move last year to launch MGO™ manuka honey which is certified to contain a specified level of the active ingredient.

“MGO™ manuka honey is fast becoming a global brand synonymous with the measurement of antibacterial effectiveness,” he said. “The research at Waikato University provides additional proof.”

Mr Paul said his company remained the only manuka honey producer to market its products on the basis of the active ingredient.

“The rest of the industry either markets untested products or continues to rely on a 15-year-old testing system which is known to be inaccurate.”

Manuka Health’s launch last year of MGO™ manuka honey followed the discovery by a German scientist that the natural compound methylglyoxal is responsible for manuka honey’s unique health-giving properties. The company’s MGO™ manuka honey ranges from MGO™100 (100 mg methyglyoxal per kg) to MGO™550…

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