Monday, December 28, 2009

Honey Recommended to Boost Immunity

Boosting Immunity Can Start Naturally

(Relaxnews) - With flu season in full swing - and H1N1 looming large - some medical experts are encouraging preventative medicine to keep the immune system functioning optimally to keep seasonal illnesses at bay…

Honey: A natural antibiotic with antiseptic properties, honey also contains a number of immune-boosting and infection-fighting vitamins and minerals, including B-complexes, C,D, E vitamins and propolis. Honey also coats the throat better than cough syrup, some studies claim. Locally producted honey might be better for fighting off seasonal allergies, asthma and other respiratory troubles because it can fight off irritants typical of the area…

1 comment:

  1. Hello I'm Benita and I practise Kinesiology. Thank you for reminding us about the benefits of honey- I am also reminded to tell my clients the same ;)
