Thursday, January 14, 2010

Australian Beekeeper Supplies Medicinal Honey

Honey...Much More than Sweet Treat on Toast
By Vanessa Lahey, Nambucca Guardian (Australia), 1/14/2010

A local honey producer is helping contribute to good health by supplying part of his collection for use in medical applications.

Ross Cooper from Eungai Creek has been farming honey for 33 years and says it is definitely good for you.

Studies funded by the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) support this, uncovering some interesting facts about the sticky amber liquid.

In two reports it was found that a number of Australian honeys exhibit therapeutically beneficial levels of antibacterial activity, with potential medical applications for use on wounds and skin infections.

They also found that some Australian honeys have the potential to improve gastrointestinal health which in turn may assist the body’s immune system.

Mr Cooper said the honey used in medical applications came from specific species of trees.

“The species of tree blossom where the honey is used in medicine is Leptospermum, or Manuka as it’s commonly known in native homeland New Zealand.”…

1 comment:

  1. Such a very good and informative article. thanks for sharing with us...
