Tuesday, January 26, 2010

'Dead' Man Found Alive in Coffin After Bee Attack

By David Charter, Herald Sun, 1/26/2010

A Polish beekeeper who suffered a heart attack after being stung was found alive in his coffin, The Times of London reported today.

Josef Guzy, 76, collapsed unconscious after the insect attack earlier in the day and had been pronounced dead at the scene by a doctor, The Times of London reported.

It was only when the undertaker reached into the coffin for the last time, in order to retrieve a necklace requested by Guzy's grieving would-be widow, that he detected a faint pulse.

"Just before closing the coffin, the family asked us to remove a couple of precious things from the body," funeral director Darius Wysluchato said.

"I happened to touch the artery in the neck and was totally shocked. I checked it again and shouted, 'There is a pulse.' My assistant checked as well. I leaned in close and I could tell that he was still breathing. My God, it was a miracle."…


  1. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Oh my gosh that is incredible! He is a very lucky man. The doctor that pronounced him dead...shouldn't be in practice.

  2. Nothing short of miraculous...

    However, people have been known to die and then come back to life...There was a man pronounced dead who was banging on the coffin as they were lowering it into the ground....Someone heard the banging, I saw this on a documentary once. There are numerous cases like this one.
