Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Royal Jelly Boosts Heart Health, Lowers Cholesterol

Natural Health from A-Z
Margaret Durst, N.D., Mason County News, June 30, 2010

Royal Jelly is an old folk remedy that is often overlooked. It is also known as bee’s milk, and is a concentrated super food that is a powerful anti-aging tonic. Royal Jelly contains many essential nutrients for humans. These include B vitamins, vitamins A, C, D, E and K, 12 important minerals, 18 amino acids, collagen, and lecithin.

Royal Jelly is the milky fluid made of digested pollen and honey nectar that is mixed with a chemical secreted from a gland in the nurser bee’s head. This fluid is fed to the Queen Bees and is believed to be responsible for her stamina and longevity. (Queen Bees live 4 to 5 years compared to worker bees that live about 40 days.)

Health benefits of Royal Jelly are many. It is used not only for longevity, but for cardiovascular health, healing of the digestive tract, building the immune system, preventing cancer, lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, alleviating rheumatoid arthritis, and restoring skin health.

Research has shown that Royal Jelly lowers total cholesterol levels by 14 % and lowers triglyceride levels by approximately 10%. Royal Jelly has also been shown to help prevent atherosclerosis and to reduce fibrinogen levels, thereby helping to prevent abnormal blood clotting and strokes.

In the digestive tract, Royal Jelly is used to promote healthy tissue, to heal ulcers, and to protect the liver.

For the immune system, Royal Jelly stimulates the production of antibodies and suppresses Gram-Positive types of bacteria such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. It also helps prevent many forms of cancer, specifically leukemia and sarcomas. Royal Jelly enhances the function of the lymph nodes and stimulates the production of lymphocytes.

Because Royal Jelly is a concentrated source of Pantothenic acid, or Vitamin B5, it is used to nourish the adrenal glands, and therefore for energy. Royal Jelly strengthens the adrenal glands, helping to protect them from the stress of our busy lifestyles and our diets that include sugar, chocolate, caffeine and sodas which all deplete the adrenal glands…

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