Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Royal Jelly Powder Acts as a Brain Food

(NaturalNews, 7/24/2011) - An interesting product, to say the least, royal jelly is the food that turns regular bee larvae into queen bees - it's the substance that elevates the physical capabilities of certain bees to allow them to become leaders of their own hives. Secreted by the nurse bees that look after the larvae in a hive, royal jelly causes some of the baby bees to grow faster and stronger than the rest. Claims have been made that when consumed by humans royal jelly can act as a "brain food," providing the boost the brain needs to grow faster and more efficient.

This claim is made because royal jelly contains a rare fatty acid, 10-HDA, that is said to enhance the cognitive capabilities of individuals. Due to a high concentration of phospholipids, people that consume royal jelly are able to improve their motor function, short-term memory, learning abilities, and overall awareness. Studies have shown that royal jelly has even been able to improve the conditions of individuals that suffer from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The availability of a natural therapy for such illnesses is certainly important, as the market's current medications are laden with harsh chemicals that often provide serious side effects.

Despite the fact that royal jelly is recognized as a brain food, it remains that this natural remedy has much more to offer than increased brain function. As a substance that contains many B vitamins (especially Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid), trace minerals, and antibacterial proteins, royal jelly provides a natural boost of overall well-being…

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