Monday, January 26, 2015

Manuka Honey Used to Treat Athlete’s Foot

What Are The Benefits of Manuka Honey?
The Huffington Post Canada, 1/23/2015

Nutritionists have been telling us to avoid processed foods and sugar, so it's no surprise that ingredients from different parts of the world are taking up space in our pantry to replace them.

Manuka honey, which comes from New Zealand, is one of those superfoods that claims to help a host of ailments all in one teaspoonful. It's collected from honeybees that forage at native manuka (or tea tree) trees in New Zealand, according to the NHS. Tea tree is well-known for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity.

The active ingredient in the honey, methylglyoxal (MG) has been given a rating known as UMF (Unique Manuka Factor), which helps to differentiate the honey between the many fake products sold on the market. A rating of 10 or higher is considered therapeutic, explains…

If you're suffering from a fungal infection like athlete's foot, nail fungus or ringworm, manuka honey could help clear it up. Put the honey on the affected area, instructs, and cover with cotton socks.

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