Saturday, April 23, 2016

Bee Venom Helps People Suffering from HIV

Apitoxin from Bee Venom Helps People Suffering from HIV – Alternative Antiretroviral Drug?

Science News Hub, April 19, 2016

MEXICO – The University of Guadalajara (UDG) found, in a recent  research study, that bee venom known as apitoxin helps the immune system of people with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) that causes AIDS.

In an interview with the News Agency of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), the researcher Sergio Alvarez Barajas explained that they worked with a group of 28 infected people who willingly cooperate in the investigation.  Everyone who was participated in the research had to provide a document copy that guarantees that one is HIV positive and have their first clinical results with levels of CD4 and CD8 analysis.

Barajas said that they did a poison tolerance test, and a solution with a certain concentration of poison, where each patient took 15 drops a day, five before each meal.

CD4 and CD8 cells are types of lymphocytes that are part of the human’s immune system.  Sick people with AIDS or HIV positive are normally deficient in the number of CD4 while CD8 is increased.

The researcher said that is why the measurement of these cells helps doctors determine the mechanisms of retroviral in patient and disease progression.

The results in the laboratory study group showed an increase in the number of CD4, with respect to the results of the first analysis, and decreased CD8, which is favorable compared to retroviral treatments, said the biologist...

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