Sunday, July 01, 2018

Propolis Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer (changes in bowel habits, diarrhea, constipation, rectal bleeding, cramps, sudden weight loss, weakness, and fatigue)

Propolis can reduce the risks of Colon cancer, study claims

Top Health Journal

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Honey isn’t the only product by the bees. Bees also produce a greenish-blue, glue-like substance named “Propolis”. It is a mixture of bees’ saliva, beeswax, and the nectar they collect from flowers and buds. Propolis is used by the bees for coating their hives and sealing the superfluous gaps present in it.

History also reveals plentiful benefactions offered by propolis. It has long been used by the Greeks to treat swelling and blisters while the Assyrians treated infections with propolis and used it to improve the process of healing. The Egyptians used it to prevent the decay of mummies.

In addition, a recent study has proved propolis to be effective against the spreading of colon cancer.

Colon cancer is the third most frequently occurring cancer all around the globe. One individual in every twenty people is diagnosed with colon cancer. Colon cancer is caused by genetic alterations inside the body which causes the Polyps to turn into cancerous cells. Polyps are present naturally underlying the gut region. At the point of initiation, polyps form small and benign clumps of cells which over the time turn metastatic causing the death of the organism directly.

The symptoms of the diseases include changes in bowel habits, diarrhea, constipation, rectal bleeding, cramps, sudden weight loss, weakness, and fatigue...

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