Saturday, March 02, 2019

Bee Propolis is a Wonder Food for Pregnant Diabetic Women


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The researchers from Usmanu Danfodiyo University in Nigeria and Universiti Sains Malaysia have come up with a study stating that propolis is a superfood for pregnant, diabetic women. It is potent enough not only to improve pregnancy outcomes in diabetic women but also placental oxidative stress. The respective research was published in Journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Diabetes mellitus is expected to affect more than 642 million people in the world, by 2040. Characterized by elevated blood sugar, diabetes causes a wide range of complications when left untreated. These may include kidney damage, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease etc.

Pregnancy, for sure, isn’t an easy experience. Especially, for mothers who have been diagnosed with diseases such as diabetes. This is because diabetes during pregnancy affects the development of the baby.

Previous studies have shown that diabetic mothers are more likely to give birth to infants with congenital malformations. Maternal factors including age, obesity, duration of the disease, diet, and medications add to the situation. A higher placental oxidative stress has also been observed among such women. This can potentially be resolved consuming natural antioxidants.

Bees produce propolis from the tree sap, their own discharges, and beeswax. Propolis has long served as a traditional remedy for wounds and cancer. It has also been used to improve (in rats)...

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