Fort Wayne Daily News, 8/29/2010
Coughing seems to be the current complaint. Everyone seems to have a cough. They may blame it on allergies, “hay fever,” bronchitis, sinus drainage, a cold, or any number of other problems. But the common symptom is a cough.
For adults, there are lots of medicines to be purchased over-the-counter or by prescription that will help to quell that cough. However, for little children, the cold and cough medicines have become much harder to find because of FDA restrictions and product recalls.
So, you might ask, “What can we give to our kids who keep us up all night coughing?”
I have struggled with this problem quite a bit. So I was very interested when I received an advertisement for a product that is alleged to safely and effectively suppress coughs and sooth throats in children as young as 12 months old. At the same time, it is said to contain no harmful drugs.
The ad said, “ZarBee’s Children’s Cough Syrup is the world’s first and only all natural OTC cough suppressant that is truly safe and effective for children under the age of four.”
It was created by a pediatrician named Dr. Zak Zarbock and is made of dark honey (the active ingredient), vitamins and other all natural ingredients. It even comes in lemon and cherry flavors.
Of course, you can order ZarBee’s Children’s Cough Syrup online at zarbees.com for $9.99, or you can purchase it at most major food and drug retailers. The question is: Why should you spend that kind of money on honey?...
If you want to try honey more cheaply, you can try one of the following popular cough remedies…
•Mix equal parts of lime juice and honey.
•Combine a cup of grape juice and a teaspoon of honey. Mix well.
•Mix one teaspoonful of raw onion juice with one teaspoonful of honey. Allow it to sit for three to four hours before drinking.
If you like, you can even add color and/or flavor to any one of these remedies…