Saturday, January 19, 2019

Propolis Spray Boosts Immunity, Treats Children's Sore Throats

This Natural Throat Spray Keeps Kids Healthy And Sniffle-Free

By Patch Deals, Patch National Staff | Jan 18, 2019

BUY Concentrated Propolis in Veggie Capsules  

We've reached that time of year again where it seems like no amount of hand-washing or cough-covering is going to keep the kids from getting sick. Germs are everywhere, but we've finally found a natural, effective product to boost our little ones' immune systems and help fight off sore throats and sniffles: It's a propolis spray from Beekeeper's Naturals, and we'll never face another winter without it.

Propolis is a mix of bee saliva and beeswax and other natural goodness, and it basically works as a glue to seal their hives and hold everything together. It's nature's ultimate protector, and it's been used for centuries by humans for immune support. This Beekeeper's Naturals throat spray contains bee propolis (95 percent extract) and just a little bit of buckwheat honey for a natural sweet flavor. Kids love the taste, and parents love that it's a great source of antioxidants...

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