XLIVth Scientific Apicultural Conference
Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Apiculture Division, Pulawy, Poland
Invitation: It is a pleasure and privilege for us to invite you to attend the XLIVth Scientific Apicultural Conference which is to be held in Puławy, Poland at 24 - 25 April 2007. Conference fee is 150 zl, for students - 70 zl.
We invite you to come to Pulawy and present your results of reasearch on Conference (poster). Summaries ( in English) should include to 5000 characters and should be written in Ms Word. Dead-line of sending summaries - 1st March 2007 to e-mail address: piotr.skubida@man.pulawy.pl
Comparison of Antibiotic and Organoleptic Properties of Honey from Various Plant Sources in Thailand
Journal of Apicultural Science, Vol. 50 No. 2 2006
Summary: Honey has been wildly used for apitherapy, especially in traditional medicine. Honey properties are different due to floral sources. Honey from longan flower Dimocarpus longan L. (LH), sunflower Helianthus annuus (SH), wild flower (WH), and April honey (AH) was selected. LH contains the highest amount of proline (26.79 ± 1.14 μg/ml) and this coincides with the smell. AH contains the lowest percentage of inverted sugar (15.81 ± 0.18) and this coincides with the taste. Honey diluted at 25%, 50%, 75% (v/v), and neat was prepared and used to test against the growth of Escherichia coli by an agar well-diffusion bioassay. WH at neat and dilution of 75% (v/v) and AH at neat present the most effective activity. At 25% and 50% (v/v) dilutions, honey from all types indicate the same activity but at 75% (v/v) dilution and neat, they perform significantly different activities. These obtained characters may be responsible for the difference of honey and may form the first criteria for a purchasing decision by a consumer.
Protein Content and Amino Acids Composition of Bee-Collected Pollen Originating from Poland, South Korea and China
Journal of Apicultural Science, Vol. 50 No. 2 2006
Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Apiculture Division, Pulawy, Poland
Invitation: It is a pleasure and privilege for us to invite you to attend the XLIVth Scientific Apicultural Conference which is to be held in Puławy, Poland at 24 - 25 April 2007. Conference fee is 150 zl, for students - 70 zl.
We invite you to come to Pulawy and present your results of reasearch on Conference (poster). Summaries ( in English) should include to 5000 characters and should be written in Ms Word. Dead-line of sending summaries - 1st March 2007 to e-mail address: piotr.skubida@man.pulawy.pl
Comparison of Antibiotic and Organoleptic Properties of Honey from Various Plant Sources in Thailand
Journal of Apicultural Science, Vol. 50 No. 2 2006
Summary: Honey has been wildly used for apitherapy, especially in traditional medicine. Honey properties are different due to floral sources. Honey from longan flower Dimocarpus longan L. (LH), sunflower Helianthus annuus (SH), wild flower (WH), and April honey (AH) was selected. LH contains the highest amount of proline (26.79 ± 1.14 μg/ml) and this coincides with the smell. AH contains the lowest percentage of inverted sugar (15.81 ± 0.18) and this coincides with the taste. Honey diluted at 25%, 50%, 75% (v/v), and neat was prepared and used to test against the growth of Escherichia coli by an agar well-diffusion bioassay. WH at neat and dilution of 75% (v/v) and AH at neat present the most effective activity. At 25% and 50% (v/v) dilutions, honey from all types indicate the same activity but at 75% (v/v) dilution and neat, they perform significantly different activities. These obtained characters may be responsible for the difference of honey and may form the first criteria for a purchasing decision by a consumer.
Protein Content and Amino Acids Composition of Bee-Collected Pollen Originating from Poland, South Korea and China
Journal of Apicultural Science, Vol. 50 No. 2 2006
Summary: The objective of the study was to determine the crude protein content and amino acid composition in bee-collected pollen from selected areas of Poland, South Korea and China. A total of 27 samples of pollen were examined after collection by bees…
As the study showed, regardless of which part of the world it comes from, be-collected pollen contains high content of such amino acids as: glutamic acid, proline, aspartic acid, leucine and lysine. These amino acids account for about 50% of the total amino acids…Because it is rich in highly nutritious proteins (CS=80%, EAAI=110%), honeybee-collected pollen is recommended as a dietary supplement.
As the study showed, regardless of which part of the world it comes from, be-collected pollen contains high content of such amino acids as: glutamic acid, proline, aspartic acid, leucine and lysine. These amino acids account for about 50% of the total amino acids…Because it is rich in highly nutritious proteins (CS=80%, EAAI=110%), honeybee-collected pollen is recommended as a dietary supplement.
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