By Tania Alexander, The Daily Express (UK), 4/24/2007
…Manuka honey, made by bees that collect pollen from the manuka bush in New Zealand, is the only honey to be scientifically graded for its medicinal properties.
Professor Peter Molan of the University of Waikato in New Zealand claims manuka honey has powerful antibacterial qualities.
Taken internally it can treat digestive disorders such as stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome. It can also be used externally to encourage wounds to heal.
Different strengths of honey are graded according to their unique manuka factor (UMF), which is used to classify their anti-bacterial strengths.
A honey with a UMF of 20+ is equivalent in potency to a 20 per cent solution of phenol (a common antiseptic). For medicinal purposes it is best to use a honey with a minimum UMF of 10+.
Here are some ways that manuka honey can benefit you:
It can be applied topically to leg ulcers and wounds. Active manuka honey with UMF is about twice as effective as other honeys against bacteria Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus, which are the most common cause of infected wounds. It can also remove MRSA and, if used post surgery, can prevent and speed up the healing of the wound. ..
Manuka honey is gentle on the gut.
Taken internally, it can help rehydrate and calm the body after diarrhoea, food poisoning and vomiting. It can prevent the growth of E. coli, pseudomonas, salmonella and staphylococcus, bacteria responsible for an upset stomach.
If you think you have eaten something suspect, try a few teaspoons of a high-factor manuka. If your gut is acting up take a tablespoon of manuka three or four times a day. ..
…One teaspoon taken three times a day and kept in the mouth for as long as possible before swallowing can, according to Professor Molan, prevent many throat infections from developing.
…Professor Molan recommends rubbing it onto the gums after brushing or diluting it up to 50 times to use as a mouthwash (if over the age of two).
It is thought to have the ability to stimulate the immune system to help fight infection. Research is being done into developing nebulisers and bronchila inhalers to enable the honey to get deep inside the bronchial passages and fight viral infections…
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