PROPOLAIR diffusers spread volatile fractions of propolis. Scientific studies show that the use of these devices helps to disinfect the air and protect the respiratory tract from viruses, bacteria and dust. It has been shown that their use is effective against urban pollution.
Can someone please tell me a source for these purifiers?
Can someone show me the "scientific studies" that support what this device claims? Stuff like this shouldn't land in here IMHO without the listed evidence backing it up (or qualification warning folks that this is non-science).
Just one example of a number of the "non-science" entries I see posted next to "science" entries. And hence why this blog will continue to have limited credibility: the science is diluted and lost in the noise of wishy-washy.
-a. reader
Exam made from the Italian National Health Service
The authors wanted to verify whether this combination releases volatile substances into the atmosphere which can reduce the microbial load of the air within a confined environment (in a school near of Turin-Italy) using Propolair, propolis vaporizers.
Using for 3 consecutive days the diffusers in to the schools and after to have analyzed the Air before and after the experimentation, some comments can be made on the antibacterial activity of sesquiterpenes.
Utilizing Propolair diffusers there was a strong microbial load reduction (71,8% in 3 days).
The possibly of using natural substances, without side effects, for the sanitation of the environment is certainly of great benefit.
Scientific study about:
Public Health Lab. Biotoxicological sectio, Local Healts Unit No. 5 in Grugliasco (Turin -Italy) in collaboration with Work Safety and Healt Service, Local Health Unit No.5 in Collegno (Turin – Italy) and Basic medicine Service, Local Health Unit No. 5 in Villarbasse (Turin – Italy). Published on: Biologi Italiani, February 1996 n°2
An observational investigation was carried out in 1999 in a Milanese day nursery in order to evaluate not only the effectiveness of volatile propolis in terms of environmental sanitation (and, as a consequence, of prevention of respiratory infections) but also its tolerance in a children's community.
During this study, which lasted three months (from January until March) the children's absences were first registered and then compared with those of the previous year during the same period.
Propolair propolis vaporizers had a positive effect in all our units. In fact, both a decrease in the number of children’s absences to indisposition and a shorter duration of these absences were observed.
No allergy manifestations or cases of intolerance occurred. On the contrary, it was been appreciate the fragrance given off by propolis vaporizers. In particular, In the month of February the number of presences is increased of 62,1%
The survey has been carried out in order to evaluate the possible differences of concentration of volatile substances, in particular those cancerogenous, present in the urban area through the determination of some pollutants typical of the car traffic, in premises equipped or not with Propolis vaporizer Propolair.
The carried out tests point out, in premises with Propolis vaporizer,
a slight decrease in concentrations of cancerogenous substances typical of the air in an urban center with car traffic.
The IPA pollutions (expecially with Fluorantene and Pirene idrocarbons) decrease has been more than 70%.
The Benezene pollution decrease has been 15%.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
Volume 62, Issues 2-3 , April 1997, Pages 247-252 Biodiversity in Agriculture - for a Sustainable Future
doi:10.1016/S0167-8809(96)01131-0 Copyright © 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
Natural resin association such as propolis and incense in zootechnology Natural Harz Vereinigung als Propolis und Weihrauch in Zootechnology
Maria Bevilacquaa, , Matteo Bevilacquaa, Eugenio Serraa, Andrea Vianelloa, Enrico Garroub, Bruno Sparagnac, Umberto Baraled and Carlo Alberto Zaccagnae a Servizio di Fisiopatologia Respiratoria, Ospedale-Universita di Padova, Padova, Italyb Sezione Biotossicolgica-Laboratorio di Sanità Pubblica-Grugliasco, Torino, Italyc Centro Italiano Selezione Avicola, Cocconato D'Asti, Asti, Italyd Sezione Veterinaria USSL No 24, Collegno e Grugliasco, Torino, Italye Medicina Generale, ULSS No 5, Villarbasse, Torino, Italy Abstract
In a previous report we demonstrated that the diffusion of propolis and incense can reduce the bacterial load in a school classroom; on this basis, we evaluated the effectiveness of propolis and incense in reducing the bacterial load in other two closed environments, that is a pig and a poultry farm. After spreading propolis in these two environments, the number of colony forming units in the samples collected both from the pig farm and the poultry farm was significantly lower. A further reduction in the bacterial load was relieved, when propolis and incense were used together. On the basis of these preliminary data, we conclude that propolis (especially when containing a high concentration of sesquiterpenes) and incense can be employed in zootechnology, to sanitise the closed environments of breeding farms.
A chemical analysis was carried out by us in order to determine the main components of the volatile fraction of propolis released into the atmosphere by PROPOLAIR.
The identified components have been assembled into the following table.
A research, whose data were extracted from Medline scientific data bank, has analyzed these components one by one. (see scientific bibliography in website: www.propolair.com)
BENZYL ALCOHOL (present in all cycle of capsula propolair), demonstred an antifungingal activity
NONANAL (also present in all cycle), showed a strong activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella Pneumoniae and Escherichia Coli.
LINALOOL (present just in the first 24h of capsula propoliar) demonstred very strong antibacterial activity
For each compound the data indicate its therapeutic validity and property together with the scientific experimentations carried out on it.
Interesting. I would love to actually read the full studies (I couldn't find the information). I would be curious what they used as a control. Did they attempt use of a diffuser with just alcohol, one with nothing, and one with water vapor? My suspicion is that the effect, at least with alcohol would be the same considerin, I assume, the propolis solution is primarily alcohol.
-a. reader
Just for your information, these diffusers are available at www.beehealthyfarms.com
A. Reader,
As for the propolis used, it's not liquid. It's solid, just as it's found in nature. The benzyl alcohol exists naturally in propolis, along with numerous bioflavonoids such as, linoleic acid, caffeic acid, galangin and pinocembrine. Also included are hydroxyacids, aldehydes, aromatic alcohols, terpens and aromatic essences. Regarding the data, I've got photocopies which state that it's found on Mediline databank.
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