Bee pollen is one of the oldest healing substances known to man and considered by many to be a perfect food. Pollen is the fine dust-like grains or powder formed within the anther of a flowering plant and is the male reproductive substance in plants that fertilizes the ovules. Bee pollen is collected from bees using a screen that the bees must go through to enter the hive. As the bee passes through the screen only some of the pollen is collected allowing the bees to have enough to continue the normal functions of the hive.
American researchers have identified 105 different nutritional components in bee pollen including a surprisingly wide array of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars, hormones, fatty acids, natural anti-bacterial substances, lecithin (a fat helpful to the liver, brain and nerves), and bioflavinoids including quercetin which is an anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and antioxidant. Because bee pollen is such a nutrient dense food that contains a broad spectrum of healthful components some call it the richest food in nature. I certainly do agree with Carlson Wade who said bee pollen is “the world’s oldest youth food”…
Research using bee pollen has shown improvement in medical conditions including the treatment of nutritional deficiencies such as anemia, reduction in seasonal allergies, prostate problems, pms and menstrual disturbances. As well research on bee pollen has shown heart healthy properties and anti-cancer effects. It also has been shown to reduce radiation side effects in cancer patients. Animal studies have shown an increase in fertility in rats and hens. Amazingly, mice have been shown to live on bee pollen as their sole source of food for numerous generations with no ill effects. Bee pollen has also been used for weight management. People wanting to gain weight can take bee pollen after meals, conversely, those wanting to lose weight can take bee pollen before meals as this helps reduce the apatite…
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