Microbiol Res, 2012 Dec 19
Three surfactin-producing Bacillus subtilis strains, C4, M1
and G2III, previously isolated from honey and intestines from the Apis
mellifera L. bee, were phylogenetically characterized at sub-species level as
B. subtilis subsp. subtilis using gyrA gene sequencing.
The antagonistic effect
of surfactin was studied against seven different Listeria monocytogenes
strains, 6 of which were resistant to bacteriocins. Surfactin showed
anti-Listeria activity against all 7 strains and a dose of 0.125mg/mL of
surfactin was enough to inhibit this pathogen. Surfactin sintetized by B.
subtilis subsp. subtilis C4 inhibited the pathogen in lower concentrations,
0.125mg/mL, followed by G2III and M1 with 0.25 and 1mg/mL, respectively. In
particular, a dose of 0.125mg/mL reduced the viability of L. monocytogenes
99/287 RB6, a bacteriocin-resistant strain, to 5 log orders. Surfactin assayed
maintained anti-Listeria activity within a pH range of between 2 and 10, after
heat treatment (boiling for 10min and autoclaving at 121°C for 15min) and after
treatment with proteolytic enzymes.
These results suggest that surfactin can be
used as a new tool for prevention and the control of L. monocytogenes in
different environments, for example, in the food industry.
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