The Effect of Tualang honey in Enhancing Post Tonsillectomy Healing Process. An Open Labelled Prospective Clinical Trial
Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 2012 Dec 27
Tonsillectomy is a common operative procedure performed for
tonsillar hypertrophy complicates with recurrent tonsillitis. Among the post
tonsillectomy morbidities, post operative wound healing is of utmost importance
to be effectively managed as it will interfere with patient recuperation from
surgery. Tualang honey has been shown to accelerate wound healing in
postoperative patients.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of
Tualang honey in enhancing healing process in post tonsillectomy patients.
In this open labelled prospective study, the selected
paediatric patients were randomized into two groups. The 35 subjects in the
Tualang honey-antibiotic group received 3mls of Tualang honey intraoperatively
followed by 4mls of oral Tualang honey three times daily for seven days.
Concurrently, 25mg/kg of intravenous Sultamicillin was given three times daily
for two days followed by oral Sultamicillin twice daily for five days. The 28
subjects in the antibiotic only group received intravenous at 25mg/kg Sultamicillin
kg for two days followed by oral Sultamicillin twice daily for five days. The
healing process was assessed at day 1, day 3, day 7 and day 14 postoperatively
by semiquantitative endoscopic photograph examination of both tonsillar fossae.
The average ages for the treatment group and the control
groups were 9 and 11 years old respectively. Wound healing was significantly
faster in the treatment group in both tonsillar fossae compared to the control
group (left: p-value=<0 .001=".001" p-value="<0.001).</p" right:="right:">
Tualang honey has positive effect in enhancing healing
process in post tonsillectomy patient. It is easy to use topically, safe to
consume orally and available at low cost locally. Overall it can be used as an
excellent adjunct therapy for post operative patients.
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