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• Honey (98 g) + royal jelly (1 g) + propolis (1 g), oral.
• Bee bread + propolis, oral.
• Propolis 30% extract + vitamin C, oral.
Flu, Avian and Swine
• Royal jelly, oral.
• Honey (98 g) + royal jelly (1 g) + propolis (1 g), oral, in star anise (Illicium verum = Anisum stellatum) infusion.
• Honey + garlic extract, nasal drops.
• Honey + garlic extract, oral, with plenty of water.
• Pollen and bee bread, oral.
• Propolis tincture, inhalations.
• Propolis 50% tincture, 20 drops with honey in a water glass before meals.
• Venom sublingual tablet or mixed with honey, oral, supplemented with vitamins C and B-complex.
Also, diet supplementation with all bee products, to drink plenty of water, and to take any other medication prescribed by physician.
Viral Diseases
• Honey + propolis (1%) + royal jelly (5 - 10%), oral.
• Honey (96 g) + royal jelly (3 g) + propolis (1 g), oral.
• Honey (450 g) + royal jelly (45 g), oral.
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