Cristina Cîmpean – M.D., Apiphytotherapy, Raphael Medica, Bucharest, Romania; National Association for Promoting Nonconventional Medicines (e-mail:
Cornel Hoţiu - ITC technician, Natural Products Santo Raphael Laboratories, Bucharest, Romania (e-mail:
[Note: The following paper was presented at the First International Symposium of the Romanian Apitherapy Society, December 7-9, 2007, in Cluj-Napoca.]
Abstract: Our purpose was to find out if the sensitive crystallization method makes evident the differences of biological quality between:
• honey and sugar,
• honey and honey mixed with sugar syrup in different proportions (10%, 20%, 50% and 70%),
• liquid all flower honey and natural sugared all flower honey,
• some kinds of honey (all flower honey, sugared all flower honey, sugared rape honey, sugared lime honey, acacia honey and forest honey).
Any kind of honey (all flower, rape, acacia, lime, forest), liquid or sugared, has a specific sensitive crystallization mark completely different from the refined white sugar. The specific honey images show that honey has vitality, complexity and a high nutritive value. The images for sugar show that this food, because of the industrial refinement has become biologically completely inert (dull), almost identically with a synthetic chemical substance.
Our comparative study of sensitive crystallization marks prove that every kind of honey has:
• a high biologically nutritional value and a special vital charge;
• the specific honey's sensible crystallization images are very similar with the herbal plant's sensible crystallization images; this fact suggest a sui-generis “transfer” of vitality from herbal plant visited by bees to honey; as the honey is fresher the sensible crystallization images are more complex, reflecting in this way the high biologically value of the fresh honey;
• honey is a "living" food compared with refined sugar, which is biologically "dead.”
[Editor’s Note: The “sensitive crystallization” method studies the forms resulting through evaporation of a water solution of cupric chlorine that has added to it an extremely small quantity of the substance to be analyzed. The method was originally developed by Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer and outlined in his book "Sensitive Crystallization Processes.”]

Refined Sugar

Ahhhhhhh it is called "refined", and by definition, "impurities" are removed!!! Too bad the "researchers"? did not test pure glucose and fructose (refined honey) to check their crystalization patterns. I would also like to have seen what patterns may have been exhibited had other solvents been used? I would also like to see the pattern urine would have produced in comparison? The crystalization of any substance is DRASTICALLY affected by many many variables, and to make the claims in this paper, regarding honey's superiority, shows how hard up "scientists"? are to write papers. You will obviously claim anything you can think of, or make conclusions based on just about any outcome. By the way, I am a beekeeper and a research scientist, and I would be ashamed to have my name associated with such rubbish, called research!
Hi Anonimos,
I am a beekeeper to and I would say I do research to. Of course it is not a science, but don’t you think the science is trending not only in wrong direction if there is a right direction at all, but industry uses science by way of excuse to do its dirty work.
Ironically, Anonymous doesn't want to have his identity associated with his own postings either!
I keep bees and stay healthy on my own Real Honey. I am happy to be identified with this posting.
John L. Smith
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